August 2022

Prevent Leaking While You Sneeze With This One Easy Trick

Prevent Leaking While You Sneeze With This One Easy Trick

Prevent leaking while you sneeze with this easy trick! The “Knack” is a Knack! Knack /nak/ noun: an acquired or natural skill at performing a task Do you leak when sneezing, coughing, or laughing? When we sneeze, laugh and cough there is increased pressure placed down on the pelvic floor from above which can lead […]

Prevent Leaking While You Sneeze With This One Easy Trick Read More »

Just Because You’re Exhausted Doesn’t Mean Your Workout Was Effective

Just Because You’re Exhausted Doesn’t Mean Your Workout Was Effective

Workouts should be catered to your specific goals. There should be a lot more thought that goes into workouts than simply being exhausted. Workouts need to be specific to: The movements specific to the goal activityThe muscles and joints specific to the goal activityThe energy system(s) specific to the goal activityThe speed of movement specific

Just Because You’re Exhausted Doesn’t Mean Your Workout Was Effective Read More »