running form coach

Running Form Coach Methods

Have you ever wondered why your runs often leave you feeling exhausted and sore? It’s a common frustration shared by many runners, both new and

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a man running down a flight of stairs with the words what's up with.

What’s Up With My Noisy Joints?

What’s Up With My Noisy Joints? Patients/athletes frequently have questions regarding clicks, pops, or other noises produced during exercise or with particular activities during the

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a man holding the hand of another man in a field.

Not All Injuries Require Rest

Rest Isn’t Always The Answer Sustaining an injury can be a frustrating experience, especially when the recommended course of action involves nothing more than rest

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a person holding a needle in their right hand.

What Is Dry Needling?

What Is Dry Needling? What We Already Know: If you’ve heard someone talk about “needling” or “dry needling,” you may be curious about what it

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Glute Activation: Debunked

Glute Activation: Debunked

Two main myths are debunked here for runners. Glutes don’t “shut off” or need “activation.” Glute Max isn’t as important for running as people think.

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Know Your Pelvic Floor | Youtube thumbnail

Know Your Pelvic Floor

 Video Transcript:Hi! I’m Sam the pelvic floor physical therapist at Up and Running Physical Therapy, and today I wanted to speak to you about

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a woman is tying her shoes on the road.

Tendons Need Load

Tendons need load! People sometimes wonder why tendon pain can linger for VERY LONG periods of time, months to years. They come to me frustrated

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Stress & Response

Stress & Response

How can we expect to get stronger and see progress without forcing our bodies to adapt? Here in Fort Collins, Colorado, where there’s a high

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A DNF, or “Did not Finish” is the scarlet letter of the ultrarunning world. Many ultrarunners dread even thinking about the possibility of not finishing

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a man with a dog on top of a mountain.


The Never Summer 100k is Northern Colorado’s most scenic and rugged trail race, located near Cameron Pass, less than two hours from Fort Collins. It covers approximately

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a man standing in front of a sign that says up and running physical therapy.

Dr. AJ Cohen

Up And Running Physical Therapy

"We Help Runners And Active Adults In The Fort Collins Area Overcome Injury And Be Stronger Than Ever, Avoid Unnecessary Time Off, All Without Medications, Injections, Or Surgery."