Understanding the Benefits of Pelvic Floor Massage



The topic of pelvic floor massage often gets overlooked, yet it holds immense benefits for people suffering from various health conditions. This article explores this invaluable physical therapy technique, shedding light on its practice, benefits, and how it could be a game-changer for many.

What is pelvic floor massage?

PVM is a form of physical therapy that directly manipulates the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that support the pelvic organs, including the bladder, rectum, and in women, the uterus and vagina. When these muscles become tight, weak, or uncoordinated, individuals may experience various symptoms, including pelvic pain, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction.

Pelvic massage therapy involves hands-on techniques to release pelvic floor muscle tension and promote relaxation in the pelvic region. It can be performed externally or internally, depending on the patient’s needs and the therapist’s assessment.

Who can benefit from pelvic floor massage?

People suffering from various conditions can benefit from massage treatment of the pelvic muscles. These include those with pelvic pain, postpartum women, men experiencing prostate complications, and individuals suffering from urinary or bowel incontinence. In essence, anyone seeking to improve their pelvic health can take advantage of this massage therapy.

It is noteworthy that pelvic floor dysfunction, which can be alleviated through pelvic physical therapy, is not confined to a particular age group. However, it is more common in certain demographics. For instance, women often experience issues related to the pelvic floor as they age, particularly after childbirth, during menopause, and in their post-menopausal years. Similarly, men can experience pelvic floor dysfunction as they age, commonly linked to prostate health issues. However, even younger people can experience these issues, often due to high-impact sports, heavy lifting, or chronic constipation. Thus, irrespective of age, if you are experiencing any symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction, such as pain or incontinence, pelvic floor massage could potentially provide relief.

How is pelvic floor massage performed?

Therapists treat the pelvic floor muscles with either external or internal massage. The process involves the gentle massage of the pelvic floor area. Often, therapists may use tools to aid in the massage and provide patients with pelvic floor exercises to continue the therapy at home. Ayurveda practice, a 5,000-year-old holistic medical system from India, also offers techniques for pelvic health. It emphasizes balance in the body and mind, which can complement pelvic floor massage.

One of the key aspects of pelvic health is understanding the benefits of internal pelvic floor physical therapy. This type of therapy involves manual manipulation of the pelvic floor muscles from within the body. A skilled therapist uses gloved hands to gently palpate the muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor internally via the rectum or vagina. Whether the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction is childbirth, aging, surgery, or other conditions, internal pelvic floor physical therapy can be an effective method of treatment.

Benefits of pelvic floor massage

The primary benefits of pelvic floor massage include

  • pain relief,
  • enhanced bowel and bladder control,
  • improved sexual function, and
  • improved recovery after childbirth or pelvic surgery.

This form of pelvic massage therapy also plays a crucial role in reducing anxiety and stress related to pelvic floor dysfunction.

Additionally, one of the long-term benefits of pelvic floor massage is the empowerment of individuals to understand and manage their pelvic health. Patients can engage in pelvic floor training with guidance from a pelvic floor therapist to further support the recovery process. This type of training involves targeted exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, improve coordination, and alleviate pelvic floor pain. Whether you’re suffering from chronic discomfort or seeking preventative care, incorporating pelvic floor rehabilitation and training into your routine can significantly improve your overall well-being.

Who should get pelvic floor massage?

Pelvic floor physical therapy isn’t just for those with existing conditions. It can benefit many individuals, including athletes looking to enhance their performance and older adults seeking to maintain pelvic health. Importantly, it’s a therapy that both men and women can benefit from.

With the increasing awareness of the role of pelvic health in overall well-being, people are exploring options beyond traditional exercise routines. It’s not about treating an existing condition alone but also about preventing potential issues arising from ignoring this vital part of the body. By incorporating pelvic floor therapy into a regular healthcare routine, one can take a proactive stance toward maintaining pelvic health, ultimately leading to improved overall wellness.

For more information, MedlinePlus is a great resource on the benefits that Kegel exercises can provide in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

How to find a qualified pelvic floor massage therapist

Given the intimate nature of pelvic floor therapy, finding a trained and professional therapist is critical. At Up And Running, we are trained physical therapy Fort Collins specialists. Additionally, therapists certified by a reputable institution, such as the American Physical Therapy Association, can ensure safe and effective treatment.

It’s also helpful to seek recommendations from healthcare providers or trusted individuals who have undergone similar therapy. Remember, effective therapy depends heavily on the skill and experience of the physical therapist to massage pelvic floor muscles effectively, so do not hesitate to ask about their qualifications and experience in pelvic floor therapy.


Is pelvic floor massage painful?
Pelvic floor massage shouldn’t be painful. Therapists ensure comfort throughout the session, adjusting their approach as necessary.

How often should I have a pelvic floor massage?
The frequency depends on individual needs and the therapist’s recommendations. Regular sessions can maximize benefits.

Can pelvic floor massage help with sexual dysfunction?
Yes, pelvic floor massage can help with certain types of sexual dysfunction. By relaxing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, the therapy can improve sexual function, enhance comfort during intercourse, and alleviate pain associated with sexual activity. Always consult with a qualified health professional for personalized advice.

Wrapping Up

While pelvic floor massage remains largely unexplored, it carries immense potential to improve quality of life, especially for those grappling with pelvic health issues. Focusing on this important aspect of our health can enhance overall well-being and help us continue leading fulfilling lives.

As a parting thought, it’s essential to remember that pelvic health is integral to our general health. Ignoring it could lead to complications that could affect your quality of life significantly. Pelvic floor massage and related therapies, when performed by a skilled professional, can offer an effective way to manage and prevent such issues. It’s never too late to start taking care of your pelvic health.

Take the first step today and explore the potential benefits a physical therapist can provide for better pelvic health.

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Dr. AJ Cohen

Up And Running Physical Therapy

"We Help Runners And Active Adults In The Fort Collins Area Overcome Injury And Be Stronger Than Ever, Avoid Unnecessary Time Off, All Without Medications, Injections, Or Surgery."