dry needling

What Does Dry Needling Do?

If you’ve ever dealt with muscle pain that won’t go away, dry needling might be the solution you haven’t considered. This technique uses thin needles to target trigger points—tight knots in your muscles that cause discomfort and limit movement.

Unlike acupuncture, which follows traditional Chinese medicine principles, dry needling is based on modern science. It helps by:

Releasing muscle tension

Reducing pain and inflammation

Improving blood flow and mobility

Many people feel relief after just one session. If you’re struggling with stubborn pain, dry needling could be the key to getting back to feeling your best.

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a man standing in front of a sign that says up and running physical therapy.

Dr. AJ Cohen

Up And Running Physical Therapy

"We Help Runners And Active Adults In The Fort Collins Area Overcome Injury And Be Stronger Than Ever, Avoid Unnecessary Time Off, All Without Medications, Injections, Or Surgery."