Runeasi Running Gait Analysis with Up and Running PT

Testing My Running Quality Score: Exploring the Runeasi Platform

Hey everyone! Today, I'm excited to test my running quality score using the innovative Runeasi platform and device. Join me as I share my experience and data with you. This is something completely new to me, so let's see what happens!

Context and Goals

Before we dive in, let me provide some context. Currently, I'm not dealing with any injuries, and my overall physical condition is excellent. I'm actively training for the Never Summer 100K, a challenging mountain race taking place in a couple of months. Over the past few years, I've consistently trained hard and feel confident in my fitness level. Recently, I've been focusing on in-season training for the event. Now, let's get started!

The Testing Process

After a brief walking warm-up, I'll embark on a five-minute running session. Once I settle into my stride, I'll initiate a five-minute data recording session. During this time, I'll be testing my running quality score, which I'll share with all of you. I'm particularly interested in observing any changes in this score over time and how it correlates with my training routine.

While I'm not currently injured, I'm open to incorporating strength training, drills, exercises, and running cues into my routine to further optimize my performance. Although I may not make significant changes to my running form, understanding the data and analyzing my symmetry will provide valuable insights into my running technique.

Testing Results and Analysis

Now, let's reveal the results! Drum roll, please. My running quality score is 79, just shy of my goal of 80. I gave it my all to maintain a score at or above 80 due to my competitive nature. Nonetheless, I'm excited to track this number over time and observe how it evolves alongside my training regimen. With the incorporation of strength training, drills, and potential running cues, it'll be interesting to see the impact on my score.

Analyzing the data in more detail, the metric that significantly affected my score was symmetry. My right leg's dynamic stability recorded a value of 6.8, indicating it was slightly worse or different compared to my left leg. Additionally, the impact magnitude and duration showed some minor asymmetry, with the left leg measuring 0.2.6 higher in magnitude. However, my ground contact time displayed good symmetry.

Delving deeper into the data, the graph representing dynamic stability during the entire five-minute session revealed a noticeable discrepancy between my left and right legs. While predominantly in the green zone, indicating good stability, my right leg exhibited more asymmetry, pushing slightly into the yellow-green area. The wider the lines on the graph, the greater the asymmetry.

Examining other factors, such as impact magnitude and duration, we observed relatively minimal asymmetry, with the lines staying close together. Ground contact time displayed overall symmetry. Nevertheless, the main area requiring improvement for me is symmetry.

Training Recommendations and Future Steps

Based on the test results, we can now explore training recommendations to enhance my running quality score. The comprehensive report provided insights into dynamic stability, emphasizing the significance of symmetry. Understanding why asymmetry occurs, whether due to pain, injury, or favoring a particular leg, is crucial in addressing potential issues related to performance, pain experiences, symptoms, and recovery.

The report includes visuals, offering checklist items for video running analysis

First Test with the Runeasi Platform: Evaluating Running Metrics

Welcome, everyone! In today's video, we're testing the Runeasi platform, an exciting tool from Belgium. It combines a 3D Gate lab, a sophisticated device, and powerful software that allows us to measure various running metrics. These metrics include impact magnitude, impact duration, dynamic stability, ground contact time, and more. This data, in conjunction with clinical reasoning, can help us better understand injuries and aid in the recovery process. Join us as we explore this technology for the first time!

Introducing Joey, Our Talented Runner

Allow me to introduce Joey, an exceptional runner with an impressive 70-minute half marathon personal record. According to the Runeasi chart, Joey falls into the category of a high-level runner, scoring between 80 and 90, just shy of the Olympic level. Today, we're curious to see where he falls within this range. Let's dive in!

But before we begin, let's have Joey warm up with a short walk.

[Music plays]

With Joey all warmed up, we're ready to start the test. As he runs, the device captures data and provides real-time feedback. Initially, we notice that Joey's impact duration is shorter than optimal. Ideally, the foot should spend more time on the ground, allowing the body to absorb forces gradually. However, as the data accumulates, the graph starts turning greener, indicating improvement. Dynamic stability looks good, while impact magnitude shows a slight difference between his legs. Joey adjusts his speed, resulting in increased impact magnitude. It's important to note that impact duration on the right side still lags slightly, causing some asymmetry.

To address the impact duration issue, we decide to provide Joey with live biofeedback. The device displays new data points every five seconds, allowing Joey to make real-time adjustments and improve his impact duration. While this is just a test, the technology shows promising potential.

Joey shares his thoughts on the data and the process so far. He appreciates the insights provided by metrics such as cadence and impact duration, which happens to be his current weak point. Together, we look forward to working on improving his running quality score and making progress.

Evaluating the Results and Generating a Report

Based on the data gathered during this session, Joey achieves a running quality score of 80, indicating a solid performance. The system identifies symmetry as Joey's weak link, primarily due to the suboptimal impact duration on the right side. This observation aligns with Joey's own feelings and physical condition leading up to the test.

By examining the details, we can generate a comprehensive report through the app. The report explains impact duration and suggests incorporating plyometric training to address this specific issue. It provides a framework of recommendations, including running drills, tips, and cues for Joey to practice during his treadmill sessions. This personalized approach aims to enhance Joey's running score and overall performance.

Finally, we showcase the technology in action, demonstrating how the TV and treadmill work together to provide live feedback during training sessions. We're thrilled about the possibilities this technology offers and are excited to explore it further.

That concludes our teaser for today. Thank you for joining us on this journey with Runeasi. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

a man standing in front of a sign that says up and running physical therapy.

Dr. AJ Cohen

Up And Running Physical Therapy

"We Help Runners And Active Adults In The Fort Collins Area Overcome Injury And Be Stronger Than Ever, Avoid Unnecessary Time Off, All Without Medications, Injections, Or Surgery."