- Low-risk pregnancy
- One bun in the oven (not pregnant with twins)
- Low transverse incision (along the bikini line) from your first c-section
- A gap of 2 years between deliveries

- High-risk pregnancy
- Couple buns in the oven (pregnant with twins or more)
- Baby in the breech position
- Placenta previa or preeclampsia
- Gestation greater than 40 weeks
- History of uterine rupture or previous uterine surgery (including fibroid removal)
- History of more than 2 previous c-section deliveries
- C-section scar assessment and manual interventions to decrease adhesions
- Assessment of the pelvic floor muscles to determine their function and coordination, strength, and ability to relax
- Education and instruction on how to push and breathe without straining the pelvic floor muscles
- Body positioning during labor to best assist with dilation and engaging the baby
- Improve core strength to assist with pushing and postpartum recovery
- Perineal massage to help decrease the risk of tearing
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